
Music is an intoxicant of soul

By Mohammad Zohaib Siddique

Now-a-days people think that music is the food of soul. But I don’t think so. Music is totally opposite to food. It is the intoxication of soul. Music destroys our soul as smoking, and drinking destroy our body. Let’s compare music with the criteria of food and intoxication both. The definition of food is “Any nourishing substance than is eaten, drunk or taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy and promote growth etc of body”. According to this definition, the first criterion for a thing to be food is that it should be a substance, a material thing. But everyone knows that music is not a material. So it could not fulfill first criterion. The second on is that it should be eaten, drunk or taken into the body. But we all know that music can never be eaten, drunk or taken by the soul. It just creates electric signals in our ear which our brain processes. Thus even this criterion cannot be fulfilled by music. The third criterion is that food sustains life, provides energy and promotes growth. All of us know that music never ever has assisted in sustaining the life of soul, or providing any energy to soul and promoting growth of the soul. In this way music does not fulfill any of the three criteria that are must for food. On the other hand let’s compare music with intoxication. One of its definitions is “Overpowering exhilaration or excitement of mind or emotions”. According to this definition a thing that excites our emotion uncontrollably is intoxication. And no one will deny that music does not explode our thoughts and emotions. In this way it is proved that music is intoxication, not a food for soul.

Furthermore, consider the following points.

Life without food in not possible but life of soul without music is possible. There are millions of people in the world which have never ever listened music. Their souls are living more than ours.

The food is required after regular intervals, while music is needed when we feel desire for it regardless of time. This character matches with that of smoking or drinking, which we need when we desire.

If there is a regular music listener and one day you do not allow him to listen. What will happen to him? Of course he will be irritated in the middle of the day to listen music just like a smoker is irritated to smoke.

On the other hand if there is a man, who never pays attention to music. If one day you make him listen music. What will happen to him? He will be bored and feel lazy just like a non-drinker drinks for the first time.

There are many youngsters who fail in their love (of opposite sex). Then they begin to smoke or drink. In the same way many of them begin to listen to music (what they call painful music). It proves that music is the other name of intoxication.

If someone listens to music with concentration, his appetite to listen music increases day by day which is true for various intoxicants such as wine, bear, cigarette etc.

We know that there are many accidents occurring just because the driver was listening to his favorite audio cassette. He was so indulged in its music that he could not concentrate on his driving and coped with accident. Is it not similar to an accident whose driver was drunk?

When someone dies, why his family members do not listen to music to energize their weeping souls? The reason is one and only that music is not the food of soul but intoxication as is proved from above mentioned arguments.

Some definitions of the word “Music” are made directly from its letters. Such as:

M U S I C (by changing order) U S I C M, which means: “Useless Symphony Is Called Music”

Another definition is: M U S I C (by changing order) U I C M S, which means “Ultimate and Immense Catastrophe of Man’s Soul is called music”.

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