
Some statistics about Islaam

Some statistics about Islaam

According to UN, annual growth rate of Islam (from 1994 to 95) was 6.4% and Christianity 1.46%.

According to UN, growth of Islaam from 1989 to 1998 in:
N.America 25%
Africa 2.15%
Asia 12.57%
Europe 142.35%
Australia 257.01%.

According to World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1935 and Readers Digest Almanac and Yearbook 1983, during the span of nearly half century changes of different religions were:
Confucianism & Taoism decrease 13%
Judaism decrease 4%
Christianity increase 47%
Buddhism increase 63%
Hinduism increase 117%
Shintoism increase 152%
Islam increase 235%

Today Islaam is the fastest growing religion in the World. BBC report