
Music is an intoxicant of soul

By Mohammad Zohaib Siddique

Now-a-days people think that music is the food of soul. But I don’t think so. Music is totally opposite to food. It is the intoxication of soul. Music destroys our soul as smoking, and drinking destroy our body. Let’s compare music with the criteria of food and intoxication both. The definition of food is “Any nourishing substance than is eaten, drunk or taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy and promote growth etc of body”. According to this definition, the first criterion for a thing to be food is that it should be a substance, a material thing. But everyone knows that music is not a material. So it could not fulfill first criterion. The second on is that it should be eaten, drunk or taken into the body. But we all know that music can never be eaten, drunk or taken by the soul. It just creates electric signals in our ear which our brain processes. Thus even this criterion cannot be fulfilled by music. The third criterion is that food sustains life, provides energy and promotes growth. All of us know that music never ever has assisted in sustaining the life of soul, or providing any energy to soul and promoting growth of the soul. In this way music does not fulfill any of the three criteria that are must for food. On the other hand let’s compare music with intoxication. One of its definitions is “Overpowering exhilaration or excitement of mind or emotions”. According to this definition a thing that excites our emotion uncontrollably is intoxication. And no one will deny that music does not explode our thoughts and emotions. In this way it is proved that music is intoxication, not a food for soul.

Furthermore, consider the following points.

Life without food in not possible but life of soul without music is possible. There are millions of people in the world which have never ever listened music. Their souls are living more than ours.

The food is required after regular intervals, while music is needed when we feel desire for it regardless of time. This character matches with that of smoking or drinking, which we need when we desire.

If there is a regular music listener and one day you do not allow him to listen. What will happen to him? Of course he will be irritated in the middle of the day to listen music just like a smoker is irritated to smoke.

On the other hand if there is a man, who never pays attention to music. If one day you make him listen music. What will happen to him? He will be bored and feel lazy just like a non-drinker drinks for the first time.

There are many youngsters who fail in their love (of opposite sex). Then they begin to smoke or drink. In the same way many of them begin to listen to music (what they call painful music). It proves that music is the other name of intoxication.

If someone listens to music with concentration, his appetite to listen music increases day by day which is true for various intoxicants such as wine, bear, cigarette etc.

We know that there are many accidents occurring just because the driver was listening to his favorite audio cassette. He was so indulged in its music that he could not concentrate on his driving and coped with accident. Is it not similar to an accident whose driver was drunk?

When someone dies, why his family members do not listen to music to energize their weeping souls? The reason is one and only that music is not the food of soul but intoxication as is proved from above mentioned arguments.

Some definitions of the word “Music” are made directly from its letters. Such as:

M U S I C (by changing order) U S I C M, which means: “Useless Symphony Is Called Music”

Another definition is: M U S I C (by changing order) U I C M S, which means “Ultimate and Immense Catastrophe of Man’s Soul is called music”.

Tech and freedom of speech

Technology has brought various benefits for us. One of them is electronic media. No problem, wherever we are, we can know whats happening at distant areas without any labour. This gave rise to innumerable news channels providing latest upto date information from parliament, sport grounds, markets, and of course our communities and localities. In part few years, many news channels have been launched in pakistan in almost all regional languages. No doubt there private channels are different from state channels and look events from a different perspective. There channels show what our nation is crying for and pose special focus on the problems of our people. Previously our nation was forced to rely on govt news resources but later when private news channels were launched, people began to rely on their reporting. As the time is passing, people are also pointing at these channels saying that these channels are not independent and are influenced by govt and usa. Recent ban on news channels, and their reopening, pemra ordinance and other such events have blanketed the reliability of our media. Now people dont readily accept what media is portraying specially pakistani media. So whats the solution to this problem? Who has the answer? Yes, technology has the solution to this problem.

Now a days there are innumerable types of tools and functionalitys available in cyber world by which you can express yourselves without any interception or involvement by government. You can express and broadcast yourselves to the whole world for free.

You can make your free websites and place there audio, video, animations, graphics along with text. Its your freedom of speech. You can place articles, jokes, news, your views about people, places, sports, politics, about your family and friends. But these websites are hard to construct. Its substitute is Blog. Via blog, you can express yourself ton without any difficulty. Only you have to create an account. Blog works as a personal diary in which you can write your every days experiences. In blogs, entries can also be posted via mobile, in that case it is called as moblog. People who read your blog can also leave you comments. There are millions of blogs made by millions of people living in diff parts of world. People can post happenings of their areas which whole world can read and can interact with user directly. Now you dont need to rely on what international media is portraying, now you can know about the world by your friends. Its freedom of expression.

Their are other websites for example youtube, where you can post videos. Snap a movie from a bomb blast scene and post it on youtube as it is. This is also entertaining when you post a footage of local ceremonies, fairs, dances, and places.

Moreover there are virtual communities such as facebook, myspace, orkut, and many others. Here you can interact with people of your choice. You can search for friends by setting priorities as age, regions, sex, interests, hobbies, and ofcourse education. You can directly message them, make and join communities, share music and other data files. Its great fun, entertainment and freedom of speech.

Now a days, even nano blogging sites have been launched such as twitter, jaiku etc. You can post immediately what you think, hear, or see, via your mobile, instant messenger, or net. It will be sent to all who are following you or are your friends on their mobiles via sms. Its great service via which you can get instant knowledge of happenings around the globe directly in your hands.

All this freedom is the result of ceaseless efforts of peoples. You only need a bit of will and use of net and tech gadgets then the world is at your finger tips. Thanks to modern technology.


33سالہ بیت اللہ محسود کا تعلق محسود قبائل کی ایک ذیلی شاخ شوبی خیل سے تھا اور یہ صوبہ سرحد کے ضلع بنوں میں کینٹ کے علاقے داؤد شاہ میں پیداہوئے تھے اِن کے چھ بھائی تھے اِن کے والد مولانا محمد ہارون داؤد شاہ ایک چھوٹی سے مسجد میں
امامت کیاکرتے تھے جوکچھ ہی عرصہ ہوا کہ انتقال کرگئے ہیں جبکہ ان کی والدہ زندہ ہیں جوان کے ساتھ ہی جنوبی وزیرستان میں ہی رہائش پزیر ہیں اوران کے اِن چھ بھائیوں میں سے چھوٹے یحیی خان محسود کو گزشتہ سال ہی بنوں میں نامعلوم افراد نے فائرنگ کرکے ہلاک کردیاتھااِ س کے علاوہ بھی اِن سے بڑے بھائی ظاہر شاہ اور ایک چھوٹے بھائی محمداسحاق کابھی ان کے گروپ‎ ‎س‎ ‎بڑاگہرا تعلق بتایاجاتاہے بیت اللہ محسود سے متعلق یہ بھی کہا جاتاہے کہ ان کے اور سیکیورٹی‎ ‎فورسزکے‎ ‎ساتھ7فروری 2005 کوسرروغہ کے مقام پر ایک امن معاہدہ‎ ‎ہواتھاجوکہ کچھ ہی عرصہ بعد ٹوٹ گیاتھااور اِس معاہدے کے ٹوٹنے کے ساتھ ہی بیت اللہ محسود نے تحریک طالبان پاکستان کے نام سے ایک تنظیم کی بنیاد ڈالی جس نے جلد ہی تمام قبائلی علاقوں اور سرحد کے مختلف علاقوں میں‎ ‎اپنااثرورسوخ قائم لیااور وہاں کے لوگ اِس تنظیم میں جوق درجوق آنے لگے اور یوں یہ تنظیم دن بدن متحرک ہوتے گئی اور ایک وقت ایسا بھی آیاکہ اِس تنظیم نے اپنے زیر اثر علاقوں پر اپنا مکمل کنٹرول سنبھال لیا اور ایک وقت تو حد یہاں تک پہنچ گئی کہ اِس تنظیم نے کھلم کھلا حکومتی رٹ کو بھی چیلنچ کرناشروع کردیا بعض لوگوں کا یہ بھی کہنا ہے کہ اس تنظیم کالعدم تحریک طالبان پاکستان کے سربراہ (امیر) بیت اللہ محسود اپنے آپ کو "پاکستانی طالب‎"‎ کہلانا زیادہ پسند کرتے‎ ‎تھے۔بیت اللہ محسود نے اپنی
پہلی شادی بنوں میں کی اِن کی پہلی بیوی سے جب کوئی اولاد نہ ہوئی تو انہوں نے اپنی دوسری شادی گزشتہ سال ہی جنوبی وزیرستان کے ایک‎ ‎قبائلی سردار ملک اکرام
الدین کی بیٹی سے کی (حملے کے وقت بیت اللہ محسوداپنے انہی سسر کے گھر پر قیام
پزیر تھے)بیت اللہ محسود نے ابتدائی دینی تعلیم بنوں کے علاقے داؤد شاہ کے پیپل مدرسے میں ہی حاصل کی اور پھر اِس کے بعد انہوں نے مزید دینی تعلیم حاصل کرنے کی غرض سے شمالی وزیرستان کے صدرمقام میرانشاہ کے ایک مدرسے میں داخلہ لیااور یہاں بھی وہ اپنی طبیعت میں ٹھیراؤ نہ ہونے اور دیگر مصرورفیات کی وجہ
سے تعلیم ادھوری چھوڑکر واپس بنوں چلے گئے جہاں ایف ار بنوں کے علاقے مالی ممن خیل میں انہوں نے کچھ عرصے تک ایک مسجد میں امامت کی اور ان سے متعلق یہ بھی کہاجاتا ہے کہ میرانشاہ میں جب یہ طالب علم تھے تو ان کی اِس دوران افغانستان کے طالبان سے اکثر ملاقاتیں بھی ہوتی رہتی تھیں کیوں کہ یہ بھی خیال کیاجاتا
ہے کہ میرانشاہ بازار کے مغربی حصے میں جلال الدین حقانی کا اسلامی مدرسہ
جوپہلے ہی انغانستان کے طالبان کامرکز ہواکرتاتھا اِس طرح بیت اللہ محسود کا بھی اِس مدرسے میں آناجاناتھایہ وہ معلومات ہیں جن یہ پتہ چلاکہ بیت اللہ محسود کون تھے ۔

Workshop for sex workers of Karachi

Last month, a 3-day workshop for female sex workers was held in Karachi for the first time in history by gender and reproductive health forum (GRHF) in collaboration with United Nations Fund for Population (UNFPA) to create health awareness among female sex workers.

According to BBC, prostitution is a real fact of Pakistan but due to Islamic country, many refuse to accept this reality. Even after much Islamization, this culture has only grown.
According to BBC report, there are atleast 100000 female sex workers in Karachi only so it was necessary to arrange such an event to prevent AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

It was very first event of this kind. Women feared to attend it because they could be identified by theirs family members if appeared on media. They were given 1000 rupees per day to attend it. They attended on condition that no media men be allowed to capture photos or footages. Even then about 100 females attended the workshop. After attending it, many women said that they were unaware of these safety precautions.

Many social and religious parties protested against it saying that in Islamic country such events should not be encouraged.
If we think openly, we may conclude that this is good initiative and such programmes should be arranged regularly. There aim is not to create more sex workers or to teach more sex techniques but their aim is to prevent the diseases and promote health. Its a bitter reality that sex workers and prostitution is increasing in pakistan. Such brothels are secret and many a times in private apartments where no one can doubt. Moreover, even if its done openly, it is possible with the little help by police by a fair deal with them.
Sex is a natural desire for all the animals and humans too. It is impossible to control sex working, so it becomes necessary to train workers to prevent many fatal diseases.

The Decision Is Yours!

Why have we been created into this world? What is the reason for our creation? Why are we born? These are the questions which perplex us.

Adam and Eve were the first to be created. God sent them to Paradise, but due to their 'mistake', both were expelled out of Paradise and sent down into this world. They lost Paradise only because they have not acted upon the order of God and God punished them. We are the descendents of Adam and Eve. We have to get our lost Paradise, for which we have to strive.

The only reason for our creation is to regain Paradise. But how can we do this? It is the another question which perplex our minds. We can get our lost Paradise only by "submitting our will to God". We have to obey His commands and we have to do what He wants. It is the simplest way we can achieve our target.

The path to our destination is a straight one. The only interception is Satan. Satan....Yes, due to which Adam and Eve were punished. We have to obey God, not Satan. But if we obey Satan, we will be punished. No, this punishment is not like worldly punishments like 10 years sentence, death sentence, or death but it is a punishment which will never come to an end. No death, no time period and no mercy. Punishment for infinity time period in Hell.

All right, we will obey God not Satan. But.... it is not as simple as it seems. Satan attracts us to his evil path leading to Hell by decorating its path with comforts, relaxation, happiness, money, music, and women/men. Thus Man forgets his mission and begins to follow Satan. We can reject Satan by constant determination. strong belief in God, and solid hatred with Satan.

We have to see with our third eye that all these charms in the world which often attract us are made up by Satan just to make us come to his evil track.

Remember, the eternal place for Satan is Hell and he wants you to give him your company. If you will give him your company, you will be thrown into Hell. If you obey God, you will achieve your goal. Just leave your laziness, passion for comforts, passion for money, and take the path which is absolutely straight ultimately reaching Paradise.

Decision is yours, which path would you follow!

Before Cursing Pakistan...

Before cursing Pakistan, don't forget that......

- It's the land of Allah, made by Allah for Allah's religion and Allah's human beings.

- It's the land of Saints of Allah, Abdullah Shah Ghazi, Shahbaz Qalandar, Data Gunj Bakhsh, Shah Latif bhitai, Baha'uddin Zakaria and hundreds of others, all sleeping in this holy land.

- Your ancestors are buried in Pakistan's sand.

- It's the only country which was founded on the basis of Islam.

- Thousands of innocent muslim women were raped just because they wanted a muslim country Pakistan.

- More than 1 million muslims sacrificed their lives just to get their own Pakistan.

Always remember,  no Land
is bad, but the system, society and the people make it !

Yes, you may relieve your mental tension and depression by cursing
Pakistani system and the Government. You may curse the rulers, you may curse those factors which are reponsible for the bad status of Pakistan but you should never cirse or abuse this land.

Pakistan is wounded, poor and ill, suffering from many diseases. And we, being humans, are supposed to take care of the sick and wounded instead of praying for its death.

State Of Education In Sindh

Everyone knows that educational standard of Sindh is far behind NWFP and Punjab right from the primary to PhD. Sindh is much criticized in media and among common people for that but it has no effect on deaf Sindhi govt. Copy culture, bribery, political influences, aristocratic influences on education are not hidden from anyone. Due to all these practices Sindhi students lag behind others in all aspects of education. Conditions of Karachi are better a bit in this respect from rest of Sindh.
Recently, the board result of matric also favours our arguments. Despite the worst situation of education, you will be amazed to know that, Sindh has got the highest percentage of pass students. This may be because of two reasons. Reason 1 because Sindh has best education and reason 2 because Sindh has most copy culture, most politics in educational institutes, most bribery, most Sifarish culture. While in the boards of Punjab, the passing fraction is from 50 to 62 percent, in Sindh the result is 95 percent in Mirpur Khaas board, 85 percent in Hyderabad board, 70 percent in Sukkur board. As compared to interior Sindh, Karachi board has 70 percent. Everyone of us knows that Karachi has better education than interior Sindh. So, what can be the reason of better percentage of Sindh, you decide it.
This is the reason why Sindhis cant get jobs in many places where Pathans nd Punjabis get. Then why Sindhis are shouting in media that our rights have been snatched by other provinces?
Educationalists say that sindh should have not more than 40-50 percentage passing.
Not only in boards but also in entrance tests, universities, industries, and everywhere same situation is present. Its because of illiteracy and laziness of Sindhis that they are still behind others.

Citizen Journalism

By Mohammad Zohaib Siddiq

Most powerful tool and weapon that a man possesses is a small piece of muscular boneless organ placed in his mouth between his teeth.
It has the power of medicine as well as poison, power to create peace as well as power to wage a war, can flourish nations as well as can ruin nations. It depends only on the quality, quantity, mode, volume, time, and etc of its use by the beholder. It takes three years to learn how to use it but, it takes a life time to learn when & where and how to use it.
Its the tool to convey our internal feelings our thoughts our imaginations our ideas our fancy. Lo those who dont know how and when to use it or they intentiolly dont use it cant be succeeded no problem even if they have lots of talent and energy for success. Its proper use can make you a ruler from a clerk.
To estimate the power of the tongue, consider following example.
One Day Teeth and Tongue were in Conversation..
Teeth Said:
"If I just press u a little, you will get cut"
Tongue Replied:
"If I misuse one word against someone, all ur 32 will come out of the mouth.
This is the power of tongue, power of expression. How do we express, has an impact on the listener and reader. Abuses in good manner seem sweeter than praises in harsh manner.
This same power of tongue is also possessed by pen. Yes, people have said that pen is a bigger weapon than sword. How do we use pen, how do we fight war of words, what to write, where to write, when to write have the same consequences that the tongue brings about but in a silent way. Who knows the use of tongue and pen better than a journalist? Yes, the techniques journalists use to spread the news via media can turn day into night and night into day. Problem is created when some politicians, for their personal gains, "buy" journalists to wage a war of words and impose this war on the poor people. We must be aware of the false propaganda these politicians use with the help of journalists, and media to prove or disprove certain assertions.
Nowadays, what we are knowing via the mainstream media is influenced by these politicians. Politicians hide their faults, express their achievements and make the innocent people fool. Internet is the media to curb this menace. Here we can tell the world what is true, what is false, what is real what is fake. This is the era of Citizen Journalism. Everyone is a journalist now a days. You are adviced to use your wit for the cause of truth...!

Karachi Rains and Sequel

The rain on 18th and 19th July in the largest city of Pakistan was proved very devastating for karachiets. Only the 3 hours of rain unblanketed the false claims of city government. It was city government who used to say that all drainage system has been rconstructed and no rain can ever produce any problem for the city but victims of this harsh conditions are themselves witnesses of this.

Imagine only 3 hours of rain and:

· Blockege of drainage system, which had no pumping stations to pump the water actively
· Water accumulation on roads, streets and homes
· Resultant problems of water accumulation eg decreased public transport, delayed trains and flieghts, Road Traffic accidents, overfilling of gutters and its water causing breeding of mosquitos and health and sanitary problems.
· Short circuits, tripping of power generation units, increased load-shedding actually 40 hours without electricity in most parts of the city. Due to absence of electricity, water shortage for domestic and industrial purposes an the resultant problems.
· Due to accidents, roof collapses, electirc shock more than 40 people were dead and above 70 injured.
· People came out on roads to protest against the absence of electricity and water, they burnt tyres, stoned govt and private properties. To control this situation, police shelled, used tear gas and fired which killed 1 youngster.
· Due to blockage of roads, delayed goods and foods delivery caused shortage of food and increased prices e.g. sugar reached Rs. 47 per Kg.

What we call this...? Is this the management of a megametropolitan city with a population of 1.8b, which is among the worlds top 10 largest cities. Who is to blame here, the common man, govt, Taliban, USA or the God who sent baraan-e-rehmat in this scorching hot weather.

Okay...leave it. All it was past... now think about the future... how much cost, manpower and time will it take to return to previous state? I ask you who will repay the people their billions of rupees of damages?

My Advice to all

1. Always speak the truth
2. Always Respect elders
3. Always Love youngers
4. Always help others
5. Always b sympathetic
6. Always listen to others
7. Always remain simple
8. Always fulfil promises
9. Always inspire ur friends
10. Always Be the first to salaam
11. Always share your happiness with weeping persons
12. Always pray for others happiness
13. Always kiss little children whenever they approach you
14. Always walk with lowered gaze
15. Always accept invitations
16. Always embrace others while meeting with them
17. While working in group, always work more than others

18. Never abuse
19. Never be angry
20. Never laugh loudly
21. Never waste time
22. Never discourage others
23. Never expect from others
24. Never show off
25. Never make fun of others
26. Never make annoying face b4 others
27. Never call anyone with odd or abusive nicks
28. Never call elders, go to them even if its their work
29. Never try to deceive others in any matter
30. Never look in the eyes of elders while talking with them
31. Never break anybodys heart
32. Never harm any animal
33. Never say uff to anyone
34. Never be overexited or overconfident
35. Never refuse of taking responsibilities
36. Never turn on tv while eating

37. Speak smilingly
38. Forgive ur foes
39. Regularly visit ur neighbours
40. Spread smiles in ur home
41. Stay calm while others r talking
42. Wipe tears of others with love
43. Feed atleast one hungry before eating everytime
44. Regularly send gifts to your relatives
45. Be a reliable person
46. Discuss your problems with elders to solve
47. Pass sometime alone with your own soul
48. Show hospitality
49. Stand up if any senior enters
50. Expect for the best prepare for the worst.

51. Dont let others feel inferiority b4 u
52. Dont sit on chair, when others are sitting on floor
53. Dont put hands in pockets while talking to elders
54. Dont place one leg over other while sitting on chair before elders
55. Dont chew while talking
56. Dont signal with hands or face, use mouth and tongue
57. Dont doubt over others
58. Dont use mobile while in company or with family
59. Dont call on ones mobile phone while landline is available there
60. Dont whisper while in company